How do I view and set date under UNIX operating systems?
The date command under UNIX display date. It is also used to set date and time. You must be the super-user (root) to change the date and time.
UNIX Date Command Syntax
date date "+format"
Task: Display Current Date and Time
Type the following command:
Sample outputs:
Tue Oct 27 15:35:08 CDT 2009
Task: Set The Current Time
To set the current time to 05:30:30, enter:
date 0530.30
Task: Set Date
Set the date to Oct 25, 12:45 a.m., enter:
date 10250045
Another example – set the current date and time to Oct 15, 2009 04:30 you type:
date --set="20091015 04:30"
Task: Generating Output
WARNING! These examples may not work on Linux computer i.e. GNU coreutiles date command. All examples are tested on HP-UX, AIX, Sun Solaris and other propitiatory UNIXoperating systems only.
Type the following command:
date '+DATE: %m/%d/%y%nTIME:%H:%M:%S'
Sample outputs:
DATE: 10/27/09 TIME:15:50:44
Try the following examples:
date "+%m/%d/%y" date "+%Y%m%d" date +'%-4.4h %2.1d %H:%M'
Unix Command Help
Type the following command to read the date command man page:
man date
Originally posted 2016-01-29 18:26:20.
Hi Ad!
I want to change my system date format as: YYYY/MM/DD (not show in console)
Pls show me how to config.
Thanks you.