PHPMyAdmin – Unable to establish a PHP session


PHPMyAdmin error

Have you ever come across the following error when you access PHPMyAdmin from cPanel.

Access Denied Unable to establish a PHP session. If you believe that this is in error or inadvertent, contact your system administrator and ask them to review your server settings.

Normally, you will get this error when the permission or ownership of the tmp folder for this user is wrong. That is, make sure the ownership of /home/$username/tmp folder has ownership set to $user and permission as 755. If it is not, you will face the same problem.


1. SSH into the server as root.

2. Check the permission and ownership of /home/$user/tmp folder. Set ownership as $user.

# chown $user. /home/$user/tmp

3. Set permission of the tmp folder to 755.

#chmod 755 /home/$user/tmp

That’s it!!!

$user can be replaced with your respective username.

Originally posted 2016-01-11 05:53:14.


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