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Get Information About Your BIOS / Server Hardware From a Shell...

biosdecode is a command line utility to parses the BIOS memory and prints information about all structures (or entry points) it knows of. You can...

Linux: Restart Nginx WebServer

How do I restart nginx web server under Linux?To restart nginx web server use any one of the following command as a root user: #...

Linux / Unix: Find Out Maximum RAM Supported By The Server...

How do I find out the maximum RAM supported by the Dell / HP / IBM / Oracle / Sun / Intel / AMD...

Apache Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to port...

Q. How do I fix an error, while restarting Apache ~ Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to port 80?A. If you are...

Install Imagemagik on Cpanel and Cloudlinux

Imagemagik installation on a cpanel server is quite easy. Imagemagik is an addon for your cPanel server that allows for image manipulation. ImageMagick® is...

How to delete a file

How do I delete a file under Linux  operating system?To remove a file or directory in Linux use the rm command. rm command syntax rm (short...

Fixing time drift in the servers (syncing with time servers)

Sometimes the clock in the system may shows some drift ( lagging or leading) in time.  We can fix this by adjusting the tick...

Exim Error: Ratelimit database not available

If you find any of the following errors below in your /var/log/exim_mainlog log file. The fix below should resolve these errors 2013-12-22 03:16:00 Failed to...

Linux: Bash Find Matching All Dot Files

A dot-file is generally any file whose name begins with a full stop. In Linux it is also called as hidden file. How do...

List of cPanel Default Ports

The cPanel/WHM is one of the best control panel in this field. The simplicity itself, is the important point for this control panel. We...